TokenPocket Developer Community

A collection of brilliant tools that developers need

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TokenPocket's JS API for mobile. It's more stable and faster than Scatter in TokenPocket. And more APIs such as Fullscreen, QRcode scan, social sharing and so on.


Android and iOS native SDK, developer can use this sdk to pull up TokenPocket wallet and do some actions such as token transfer,push action, login etc.


kafka_plugin is a plugin for EOSIO. it's used to receive the transaction data from eosio chain, and send out the transaction data as a kakfa producer by KAFKA messaging mechanism.

Scatter Demo

TokenPocket is the first mobile wallet compatible with Scatter protocol. DApps that based on Scatter can integrate into TokenPocket wallet without any change.

Streaming API for EOS. Build your project on EOS with the most powerful streaming API to provide the best experience to your users


High precision EOS block explorer to leverage data analytics for the next generation dApp developers


The first fully-fledged toolkit to interact with the EOS.IO blockchain in Go


The most flexible & powerful command line tool for any developer to interact with an EOSIO chain

Transit API

Transit API was built by EOS New York who has helped lead the charge to turn it into a community maintained open-source standard on EOS


eos python library


A enterprise .NET core, cross platform library for interacting with the EOS blockchain.


Tooling to help developers create smart contracts easily


EOS INFRA provides secure, reliable, and scalable access to the EOS network. We take care of the infrastructure so you can focus on DApp development.


EOSX is a block explorer and wallet that allows you to explore and search the EOS blockchain for transactions, accounts, token and prices.


Importable JavaScript library that allows web applications to directly interface with Scatter Desktop, Classic and Mobile.


Your key to the blockchain. Signatures, Identity, Reputation, and Security.. for everyone. is the most powerful and professional EOS block explorer that highly-recommended by worldwide EOS developers.


EOSPark API provides EOSPark API HTTPS,EOSPark API WebSocket and EOSPark API snapshot data these 3 services.


EOSPark SEC is a platform displaying security information of smart contracts built on EOS.

EOS Semantics

EOSPark exclusively released the contract semantics platform to simplify and show what the contract does making your contract calls readable.

Fair Dice

FairDice is the 1st open-sourced, rig-resistant and verifiably fair dice game in the EOS world. The random number solution is based on both player & game's input seeds.


The 'Transfer as Registeration' solution supports creating a new EOS account by a transfer to the smart contract including the "Account Name" + "Public Key" in the memo.


SwiftyEOS is an open-source framework for interacting with EOS, written in Swift. Can be used on iOS and macOS.


A dapp gives rating data provided by prochaintech


A javascript Command Line Application for EOS. All commands are same as cleos. js4eos is also a Testing Framework for EOS Smart Contract just like truffle on ethereum

EOS Studio IDE

EOS Studio is a graphical integrated development environment (IDE) for developing dApps on blockchain. The key features include EOSIO-customized code editor, built-in builder and deployer, interactive contract inspector, EOSIO version manager, and many more.